How can I change brightness through terminal
adding to what Michał Šrajer says in some cases the brightness may be controlled from /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
as is the case with my dell vostro 3400 and my the brightness range is 0-15. You may have to look for other folder in /sys/class
if the same path as mine doesnot exit.
In your script you can send the equivalent keystrokes that correspond to Fn+Right Arrow and Fn+Left Arrow i.e. Brightness Up and Down respectively
Install xdotool
from the Software Center
Then in your script to increase brightness:
xdotool key XF86MonBrightnessUp
To decrease Brightness
xdotool key XF86MonBrightnessDown
You could install xbacklight package $sudo apt-get install xbacklight
and then if you want to increase the brightness level, type $xbacklight -inc <level in a range of 10 - 100>
and vice versa: $xbacklight -dec <level in a range of 10 - 100>
Read xbacklight --help
to see more options.