How can I convert FLAC to other formats in OS X?

You can always convert media via FFmpeg, available as a static build for OS X from the downloads page.

ffmpeg -i in.flac -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 -map_metadata 0 out.mp3

Set the quality via -q:a, which corresponds to LAME's VBR options, 4 being default and 0 being the best quality.


ffmpeg -i file.flac -acodec libfaac -aq 250 file.m4a

-aq 400 ≈ 270 kb/s for music, 200 ≈ 210 kb/s, 100 ≈ 130 kb/s.


for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -acodec alac "${f%flac}m4a"; done


ffmpeg -i file.flac -aq 0 file.mp3

-aq 0 corresponds to -V0 in lame.

ffmpeg preserves tags by default but not cover art.

I've used Max with success in the past.