How can I estimate the size of my gzipped script?

7-zip supports compressing to the GZIP format.

I often use this to approximate and compare file sizes.

When creating an archive, look for Archive Format, and gzip is the 3rd option.


In the comments, we discussed that there might be a difference between 7-zip's GZIP compression, versus an actual server's GZIP compression. So, I compared using just the homepage of
Google's GZIP'd payload was 36,678 bytes. 7-zip, with "gzip Normal" setting, was 35,559 (3% smaller). With "gzip Fastest" setting, it was 37,673 (3% larger).

So, long story short: 7-zip had results that were about 97% accurate.

If you're on unix - gzip -c filename.min.js | wc -c will give you a byte count of the gzipped file lets you paste in code, and it will give you compression ratios for a particular file before and after GZIP.

Original Size:    90 bytes (100 bytes gzipped)
Compiled Size:    55 bytes (68 bytes gzipped)
Saved 38.89% off the original size (32.00% off the gzipped size)

You can use the pretty-print and white-space only options to estimate the compression of non-minified content.

If you need an estimate:

  • Start with 100 JS files that have gone through the same minification pipeline.
  • For each file, compute the ratio in sizes between gzip -c "$f" | wc -c and wc -c "$f"
  • The average of those ratios is an approximation of the compression you should expect for a similar JS file.

Cygwin contains command line implementations of gzip and wc for Windows.

Directly from the terminal,

gzip -9 -c path/to/file.js | wc -c | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B --padding=10

If you need the original size for comprison,

cat path/to/file.js | wc -c | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B --padding=10

To get it programatically there are utilities like gzip-size. It's a node package but you can install it globally as a general tool.