How can I expand the full path of the current file to pass to a command in Vim?
To print out the current vim filename:
:help expand
:echo expand("%:p") " absolute path
:echo expand("%:p:h") " absolute path dirname
:echo expand("%:p:h:h")" absolute path dirname dirname
:echo expand("%:.") " relative path
:echo expand("%:.:h") " relative path dirname
:echo expand("%:.:h:h")" relative path dirname dirname
:echo expand("<sfile>:p") " absolute path to [this] vimscript
:help filename-modifiers
For example (with a vim function), to resolve()
and expand()
any symlinks to the absolute path to the current script <sfile>:p
(instead of %:p
), and then exec
to source
the fnameescape
-ed filename contained in a function-local vim variable l:vimrcfilename
" g:__sfile__dirname -- directory containing this vimrc script
" after symlinks
" ~dirname(abspath(realpath(__file__)))
let g:__sfile__dirname=fnamemodify(resolve(expand("<sfile>:p")), ":h")
" Source_dotvim(filename) -- source dirname(this_vimrc)/filename
function Source_dotvim(filename)
let l:vimrcfilename=g:__sfile__dirname . "/" . a:filename
if filereadable(l:vimrcfilename) && !empty(l:vimrcfilename)
"source s:vimrcfilename "this doesn't work, so exec:
exec "source " . fnameescape(l:vimrcfilename)
echo l:vimrcfilename . " empty or not found."
call Source_dotvim("vimrc.local.01-env.vimrc")
:help fnamemodify
- "current file":
(buffer file) /<sfile>:p
(script file) expand('<sfile>')
does not work from within a function- source
does not work; so,exec
- string concatenation - andfnameescape
prints the most-recent 200 vim [error,] messages
- annika-backstrom's answer
- umber-ferrule's answer
- tito-11's answer
Append :p
, e.g.
:!mycommand %:p
And %:p:h
will give you the path of the directory that the file resides in.
:!mycommand %:p
:!cd %:p:h
The other two answers didn’t work for me (for some reason). However, I found that this combo displays the full path when typed in Normal mode:
Press 1 then CtrlG
Source: “Get the name of the current file” on the Vim Tips Wiki. See also the {count}CTRL-G
section of :help CTRL-G