How can I get all "dirty" (modified) fields using angular2 forms?
Well, this is how I'm going by at the moment:
private getChangedProperties(): string[] {
let changedProperties = [];
Object.keys(this.permissionForm.controls).forEach((name) => {
const currentControl = this.permissionForm.controls[name];
if (currentControl.dirty) {
return changedProperties;
I was really hoping angular2 forms would have a simple property with that information. Please post another answer if there's a better way of doing this.
You can achieve this using Observables:
.filter(control => control.dirty)
.subscribe(control => {
// Here doing stuff with all your dirty control
You can also subscribe to control changes :
.subscribe(control => {
// Here doing stuff with your control
// like checking if control is dirty and append it to an array
const keyValue = Object.entries(this.form.controls).filter(value => value[1].dirty);
For get control names array: => value[0]);
For get controls array: => value[1]);
For get controls object:
keyValue.reduce((a, v) => Object.assign(a, { [v[0]]: v[1] }), {});
Сompact function:
type GetDirtyControlsTypes = 'object' | 'array' | 'names';
export function getDirtyControls(form: FormGroup, type: GetDirtyControlsTypes = 'object') {
// keyValue
const kv = Object.entries(form.controls).filter(val => val[1].dirty);
return {
object: () => kv.reduce((accum, val) => Object.assign(accum, { [val[0]]: val[1] }), {}),
array: () => => val[1]),
names: () => => val[0]),