How can I get an AudioBufferSourceNode's current time?

What I usually do is create a wrapper for the audio source node that keeps track of the playback state. I've tried to minimise the code below to show the basics.

The core idea is to keep track of the time the sound is started and the time the sound is 'paused' and use those values to get the current time and to resume playback from the paused position.

I put a working example on codepen

function createSound(buffer, context) {
    var sourceNode = null,
        startedAt = 0,
        pausedAt = 0,
        playing = false;

    var play = function() {
        var offset = pausedAt;

        sourceNode = context.createBufferSource();
        sourceNode.buffer = buffer;
        sourceNode.start(0, offset);

        startedAt = context.currentTime - offset;
        pausedAt = 0;
        playing = true;

    var pause = function() {
        var elapsed = context.currentTime - startedAt;
        pausedAt = elapsed;

    var stop = function() {
        if (sourceNode) {          
            sourceNode = null;
        pausedAt = 0;
        startedAt = 0;
        playing = false;

    var getPlaying = function() {
        return playing;

    var getCurrentTime = function() {
        if(pausedAt) {
            return pausedAt;
        if(startedAt) {
            return context.currentTime - startedAt;
        return 0;

    var getDuration = function() {
      return buffer.duration;

    return {
        getCurrentTime: getCurrentTime,
        getDuration: getDuration,
        getPlaying: getPlaying,
        play: play,
        pause: pause,
        stop: stop