How can I insert into a Postgresql JSON array

I think this is a clash between the JSON notation that starts with { and the short hand array notation in Postgres where the string representation of an array is also denoted by an {.

The following works:

insert into chats 
  (array['{"sender":"pablo","body":"they are on to us"}']::json[]);

This avoids the ambiguity of the {{ by using an explicit array constructor.

To make the array a json array you need to either cast the string to a json or the resulting array to a json[] (see the example above). Casting the whole array makes it easier if you have more than one JSON document in that row:

insert into chats 
  (array['{"sender":"pablo","body":"they are on to us"}', 


insert into chats 
  (array['{"sender":"pablo","body":"they are on to us"}'::json, 