How can I install yEd graph editor on Ubuntu?
There are two ways to install yEd on Ubuntu.
Using the provided graphical installer
yEd comes with an easy-to-use graphical installer that takes care of all the system dependencies (Java, most importantly):
Follow these steps:
- Find the yEd Graph Editor section on the yworks download page
- Download the appropriate Linux yEd installer for your system (32- or 64-bit)
- Make the installer executable with
chmod +x yEd<...>.sh
or by going into the properties menu of your file manager (Properties → Permissions → Allow executing file as program) - Run the installer and follow the outlined steps
- When you're done you should be able to find yEd in your Unity Dash
Manual installation
- Make sure you have the latest Java release installed
- Download the zipped yEd release on its download page
- Extract the contents of the zipfile
Navigate to the extracted folder and open
in java:java -jar "yed.jar"
To integrate yEd into your system you can create a
launcher under~/.local/share/applications
. E.g.:$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/yed.desktop [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=yEd Graph Editor Comment=Edit graphml files in yed Exec=java -jar /home/user/applications/yEd/yed.jar %u Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/home/user/applications/yEd/icons/yicon32.png Categories=Application;Office StartupNotify=false MimeType=application/xml; NoDisplay=false
Make sure to change the
lines according to your system.