How can I make GetFiles() exclude files with extensions that start with the search extension?

The issue you're experiencing is a limitation of the search pattern, in the Win32 API.

A searchPattern with a file extension (for example *.txt) of exactly three characters returns files having an extension of three or more characters, where the first three characters match the file extension specified in the searchPattern.

My solution is to manually filter the results, using Linq:

nodeDirInfo.GetFiles("*.sbs", option).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".sbs"),

Try this, filtered using file extension.

  FileInfo[] files = nodeDirInfo.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).

That's the behaviour of the Win32 API (FindFirstFile) that is underneath GetFiles() being reflected on to you.

You'll need to do your own filtering if you must use GetFiles(). For instance:

GetFiles("*", searchOption).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".sbs", 

Or more efficiently:

EnumerateFiles("*", searchOption).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".sbs", 

Note that I use StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase to deal with the fact that Windows file names are case-insensitive.

If performance is an issue, that is if the search has to process directories with large numbers of files, then it is more efficient to perform the filtering twice: once in the call to GetFiles or EnumerateFiles, and once to clean up the unwanted file names. For example:

GetFiles("*.sbs", searchOption).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".sbs", 
EnumerateFiles("*.sbs", searchOption).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".sbs", 