How can I make silent exceptions louder in tkinter?
First a followup: Just today, a patch on the CPython tracker for the tkinter.Tk.report_callback_exception
docstring made it clear that Jochen's solution is intended. The patch also (and primarily) stopped tk from crashing on callback exceptions when run under pythonw on Windows.
Second: here is a bare-bones beginning of a solution to making stderr
function with no console (this should really be a separate SO question).
import sys, tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
class Stderr(tkinter.Toplevel):
def __init__(self):
self.txt = tkinter.Text(root)
def write(self, s):
self.txt.insert('insert', s)
sys.stderr = Stderr()
1/0 # traceback appears in window
More is needed to keep the popup window hidden until needed and then make it visible.
There is report_callback_exception
to do this:
import traceback
import tkMessageBox
# You would normally put that on the App class
def show_error(self, *args):
err = traceback.format_exception(*args)
# but this works too
tk.Tk.report_callback_exception = show_error
If you didn't import Tkinter as tk
, then do
Tkinter.Tk.report_callback_exception = show_error