How can I play Minecraft through a proxy server?
To be able to play not just the HTTP proxy needs to be added, but also the HTTPS, because authenticating is going through that.
The proper batch file should look like this:
java -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyURL -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxyPORT -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyURL -Dhttps.proxyPort=proxyPORT -Xmx800m -jar Minecraft.exe
I put the batch file next to my Minecraft.exe and started with this. Works like a charm ;)
If you have sufficient control over the server, I'd suggest using something like n2n, which is an awesomely simple (though command line argument heavy, and gui-less) VPN system.
PuTTY is a very cool ssh client for all platforms, and while the tunneling configuration is a bit wonky, you can essentially remap the server's port to a local port (the command would be ssh -L:localhost: though working through the gui would be a bit harder.) When you've got that set up, you can type localhost: into Minecraft and connect to the server. Note that you need ssh access to the server for this to work, similar to the solution.
Those are all the solutions I can think of now, though previous posters have suggested other VPNs you might want to look in to.
I have wanted to do the same thing and by combining the answers on this page along with the answers on another page, I have a solution that is working for me. All the commands that you'll need (create a batch file and put it in the same directory that the minecraft.exe
file is in) are:
java -Dhttp.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 -DsocksProxyHost=localhost -DsocksProxyPort=1080 -Xmx800m -jar Minecraft.exe
The extra part (on top of what Dutch suggests) is the forwarding of the SOCKS port as well. With all this in a batch file and with my SSH proxy running through Putty, I was able to connect to multiplayer servers without any problems.