How can I retrieve a user's public IP address via Amazon API Gateway + Lambda (node)

Update for HTTP APIs

Adding @Elijah's comment. The format for HTTP APIs will be



A better way is actually to check


You can also get the User-Agent from the same object


See Cesar's comment below. Headers are easily spoofed and the user can set X-Forwarded-For to anything. AFAIK the sourceIp above is retrieved from the TCP connection.

Original answer

As of September 2017, you can create a method in API Gateway with Lambda Proxy integration, this will give you access to


Which will look something like,

The first ip is your user's public ip address.

Here is a simple demonstration of using API Gateway's $context.identity.sourceIp in a Lambda function.

API Mapping template:

    "sourceIP" : "$context.identity.sourceIp"

Lambda function:

'use strict';
console.log('Loading function');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    console.log('SourceIP =', event.identity.sourceIP);
    callback(null, event.identity.sourceIP);

In the API Gateway, it's the value


You can pass that through to your Lambda via a mapping template.