How can I see the delayed job queue?
You should see jobs in the delayed_jobs table, yes. But when delayed jobs are run successfully they're deleted. So it may just be a fleeting thing. (Delayed Job checks the table for new jobs to run every 5 seconds, so the record may only last a few seconds on average given a short-running job.) I usually make sure the delayed job daemon is turned off if I want to inspect the payload objects in the delayed_jobs table.
DelayedJob stores a database record for each enqueued job so you can retrieve them directly through the rails console (assuming you are using ActiveRecord or similar).
Open the rails console:
$ rails c
and then query the enqueued jobs:
$ Delayed::Job.all
$ Delayed::Job.last
Check out the documentation.
If you installed delayed_job with another database like Redis you may want to go and check in there the queued jobs.