How can I shorten this VBA code? Copying and pasting cells
another additional examples how you can achieve CopyPaste
Sub test1()
Dim S As Worksheet: Set S = Sheets("Summary")
Dim T As Worksheet: Set T = Sheets("ForTracker")
With T
.[A1] = S.[C2]
.[B1] = S.[C6]
.[C1] = S.[C8]
.[D1] = S.[C3]
.[E1] = S.[H8]
.[F1] = S.[H9]
.[G1] = S.[C5]
End With
End Sub
variant using array
Sub test2()
Dim S As Worksheet: Set S = Sheets("Summary")
Dim T As Worksheet: Set T = Sheets("ForTracker")
Dim CopyPaste, x%
x = 0
With S
CopyPaste = Array(.[C2], .[C6], .[C8], .[C3], .[H8], .[H9], .[C5])
End With
For Each oCell In T.[A1:G1]
oCell.Value = CopyPaste(x): x = x + 1
End Sub
variant using split string
Sub test3()
Dim S As Worksheet: Set S = Sheets("Summary")
Dim T As Worksheet: Set T = Sheets("ForTracker")
Dim CopyPaste$
With S
CopyPaste = .[C2] & "|" & .[C6] & "|" & .[C8] & "|" & .[C3] & "|" & .[H8] & "|" & .[H9] & "|" & .[C5]
End With
T.[A1:G1] = Split(CopyPaste, "|")
End Sub
variant using dictionary
Sub test4()
Dim S As Worksheet: Set S = Sheets("Summary")
Dim T As Worksheet: Set T = Sheets("ForTracker")
Dim CopyPaste As Object: Set CopyPaste = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim oCell As Range, Key As Variant, x%
x = 1
For Each oCell In S.[C2,C6,C8,C3,H8,H9,C5]
CopyPaste.Add x, oCell.Value: x = x + 1
x = 0
For Each Key In CopyPaste
T.[A1].Offset(, x).Value = CopyPaste(Key)
x = x + 1
End Sub
Well, if you want to just simplify it, you can do this:
Sub Main()
Dim wsS As Worksheet
Dim wsT As Worksheet
Set wsS = Sheets("Summary")
Set wsT = Sheets("ForTracker")
wsT.Range("A1").Value = wsS.Range("C2").Value
wsT.Range("B1").Value = wsS.Range("C6").Value
wsT.Range("C1").Value = wsS.Range("C8").Value
wsT.Range("D1").Value = wsS.Range("C3").Value
wsT.Range("E1").Value = wsS.Range("H8").Value
wsT.Range("F1").Value = wsS.Range("H9").Value
wsT.Range("G1").Value = wsS.Range("C5").Value
End Sub
It may not be necessary this time, but as you said, you wished for an educational excersise, you could create a procedure just for copying cell values from one to another. It could look like this:
Sub CopyValue(CopyFrom As Range, PasteTo As Range)
PasteTo.Value = CopyFrom.Value
End Sub
And you would call it like this:
CopyValue wsS.Range("C2"), wsT.Range("A1")
Or alternativelly, if you wanted to be extra clear, like this:
CopyValue CopyFrom:=wsS.Range("C2"), PasteTo:=wsT.Range("A1")
One way
Dim target As Range, item As Range, i As Long
With Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(1))
.Name = "ForTracker"
Set target = .Range("A1")
End With
For Each item In Sheets("summary").Range("C2,C6,C8,C3,H8,H9,C5")
target.Offset(0, i).value = item.value
i = i + 1