How can I treat positional arguments as keyword arguments in Python 2
Firstly, your square_param
decorator doesn't work because it doesn't return the functions. It needs to be:
def square_param(param):
def func_decorator(func):
def func_caller(*args,**kwargs):
kwargs[param] = kwargs[param] * kwargs[param]
return func(*args,**kwargs)
return func_caller
return func_decorator
Now I took @Dirk's advice and looked into the inspect
module. You can do it by checking first if the parameter is one of the function's positional arguments, and second if that positional argument has been specified, and then modifying that argument position. You also need to make sure you only modify kwargs if the parameter was supplied as a keyword argument.
import inspect
def square_param(param):
def func_decorator(func):
def func_caller(*args,**kwargs):
funparams = inspect.getargspec(func).args
if param in funparams:
i = funparams.index(param)
if len(args) > i:
args = list(args) # Make mutable
args[i] = args[i] * args[i]
if param in kwargs:
kwargs[param] = kwargs[param] * kwargs[param]
return func(*args,**kwargs)
return func_caller
return func_decorator
even without using Inspect we can get function params
>>> func = lambda x, y, args: (x, y, {})
>>> func.func_code.co_argcount
>>> func.func_code.co_varnames
('x', 'y', 'args')