How can I update/refresh Google MDL elements that I add to my page dynamically?

You can use the componentHandler.upgradeDom(); for dynamically upgrade the element or use the following lines for downgrade the existing element and upgrade it again

Type 1:

       $(this).removeAttr("data-upgraded").find(".mdl-switch__ripple-container,.mdl-switch__track").remove();  //downgrade the existing upgraded elements
    componentHandler.upgradeDom(); // upgrade the elements

Type 2:

           componentHandler.upgradeDom(); // upgrade the newest elements 

I found the solution in this MDL Github forum post from MDL contributor Jonathan Garbee:

The component handler [ componentHandler.upgradeDom() ] will handle upgrading everything if you just call it with no parameters.

So the pseudo-code of my solution would be:

 // Callback function of jquery-ui droppable element
 drop: function(event, ui) {
    // Add the element from it's template file
    $.get("templates/" + elem + ".html", function(data) {

      // Expand all new MDL elements

For future readers and users of the Material Design Lite (MDL) framework, you can also refresh dynamically added elements individually (instead of combing the entire DOM).

For example, componentHandler.upgradeDom("mdl-menu") will upgrade only mdl-menu elements.

Further reading here.