How can I use Rails routes to redirect from one domain to another?

This works in Rails 3.2.3

constraints(:host => /foo.tld/) do
  match "/(*path)" => redirect {|params, req| "http://bar.tld/#{params[:path]}"}

This works in Rails 4.0

constraints(:host => /foo.tld/) do
  match "/(*path)" => redirect {|params, req| "http://bar.tld/#{params[:path]}"},  via: [:get, :post]

This does the job of the other answer. Though in addition, it preserves query strings as well. (Rails 4):

# http://foo.tld?x=y redirects to http://bar.tld?x=y
constraints(:host => /foo.tld/) do
  match '/(*path)' => redirect { |params, req|
    query_params = req.params.except(:path)
    "http://bar.tld/#{params[:path]}#{query_params.keys.any? ? "?" + query_params.to_query : ""}"
  }, via: [:get, :post]

Note: If you're dealing with full domains instead of just subdomains, use :domain instead of :host.