How can I wrap text into two columns?
Using the -COLUMN
or --columns=COLUMN
option of pr
-COLUMN, --columns=COLUMN
output COLUMN columns and print columns down, unless -a is used.
Balance number of lines in the columns on each page
so either
pr -t -2 yourfile
pr -t --columns=2 yourfile
For example, augmenting your entries with some random dictionary words,
$ cat << EOF | pr -t -2
> apple
> banana
> `shuf -n28 /usr/share/dict/words`
> grape
> guava
apple overachieves
banana wickerwork
cottonmouths supersonic
adapter's draftiest
boudoir's insisting
cruised programs
mousetrap parcel
shticks basically
TLC's coruscates
conduction Jones
geeing Ty
gloamings bondage
investing candelabra's
radiotherapists Inchon's
clasp's grape
critters guava
You can use the columns
command from the autogen package, e.g.:
columns -c 2 -w 40 --by-column < input
For example:
echo apple
echo banana
shuf -n28 /usr/share/dict/words
echo grape
echo guave
} |
columns -w 40 -c 2 --by-columns
apple merwoman
banana chiroplasty
antispreading stylommatophorous
spearmint Sphaerobolaceae
sulphoxyphosphate snark
nymphaeum reactionary
ahluwalia hobo
husky oxamethane
crimeproof deltarium
cerebrosis hematoporphyrin
yoghurt noncompoundable
colloquial sororially
unaffirmed nonobjection
saccharated reundercut
thermochemic grape
preobedience guave