How come my class take so much space in memory?

Approach the problem from the other end. Rather than asking yourself "how can I make this data structure smaller and still have tens of millions of them allocated?" ask yourself "how can I represent this data using a completely different data structure that is far more compact?"

It looks like you are building a doubly-linked list of bools, which, as you note, uses thirty to fifty times more memory than it needs to. Is there some reason why you're not simply using a BitArray to store your list of bools?


in fact I was trying to implement a sparse boolean two-dimensional matrix

Well why didn't you say so in the first place?

When I want to make a sparse Boolean two-d matrix of enormous size, I build an immutable persistent boolean quadtree with a memoized factory. If the array is sparse, or even if it is dense but self-similar in some way, you can achieve enormous compressions. Square arrays of 264 x 264 Booleans are easily representable even though obviously as a real array, that would be more memory than exists in the world.

I have been toying with the idea of doing a series of blog articles on this technique; I will likely do so in late March. (UPDATE: I did not write that article in March 2012; I wrote it in August 2020.

Briefly, the idea is to make an abstract class Quad that has two subclasses: Single, and Multi. "Single" is a doubleton -- like a singleton, but with exactly two instances, called True and False. A Multi is a Quad that has four sub-quads, called NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest and NorthWest.

Each Quad has an integer "level"; the level of a Single is zero, and a multi of level n is required to have all of its children be Quads of level n-1.

The Multi factory is memoized; when you ask it to make a new Multi with four children, it consults a cache to see if it has made it before. If it has, it does not construct a new one; it hands out the old one. Since Quads are immutable, you do not have to worry about someone changing the Quad on you after it is in the cache.

Consider now how many memory words (a word is 4 or 8 bytes depending on architecture) an "all false" Multi of level n consumes. A level 1 "all false" multi consumes four words for the links to its children, a word for the level count (if necessary; you are not required to keep the level in the multi, though it helps for debugging) and a couple words for the sync block and so on. Let's call it eight words. (Plus the memory for the False Single quad, which we can assume is a constant two or three words, and thereby may be ignored.)

A level 2 "all false" multi consumes the same eight words, but each of its four children is the same level 1 multi. Therefore the total consumption of the level 2 "all false" multi is let's say 16 words.

The same for the level 3, 4,... and so on. The total memory consumption for a level 64 multi that is logically a 264 x 264 square array of Booleans is only 64 x 16 memory words!

Make sense? Hopefully that is enough of a sketch to get you going. If not, see my blog link above.

8 (object reference) + 8 (object reference) + 1 (bool) + 16 (header) + 8 (reference in array itself) = 41

Even if it's misaligned internally, each will be aligned on the heap. So we're looking at least 48bytes.

I can't for the life of me see why you'd want a linked list of bools though. A list of them would take 48times less space, and that's before you get to optimisations of storing a bool per bit which would make it 384 times smaller. And easier to manipulate.