How do I convert a DjVu document to PDF in Linux using only command line tools?

djvu2pdf should fit the bill, it's a small script that makes use of the djvulibre toolset. If not, there are other methods that require multiple command-line tools.

The ddjvu program, (which is part of the standard djvulibre package), will do this:

$ ddjvu -format=pdf -quality=85 -verbose a.djvu a.pdf

Warning: this produces large files (but PDF files made by Christoph Sieghart's script are of the same size.)

I also wrote the following small bash script some years ago. It does the same automatically. (Save this as


# convert DjVu -> PDF
# usage:  <file.djvu>

echo "------------ converting $i to PDF ----------------";
o="`basename $i .djvu`"
echo "[ writing output to $o ] "

cmd="ddjvu -format=pdf -quality=85 -verbose $i $o "

The djvu2pdf script by Christoph Sieghart does essentially the same

What about simply using DJView and export as PDF?

  1. Goto Synaptic Package Manager (System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager)
  2. Install DJview4
  3. Run DJview (Applications - Graphics - DJView4)
  4. Open your .djvu document
  5. Menu - Export As: PDF

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