How do I create a 3x3 matrix of Images with a letter at the beginning of each line?

You need nothing special:

\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % also loads graphicx




\caption{The global caption\label{label}}



The trick is valign=t, to obtain top alignment with respect to the letters.

Why 1pt? Because it's the default value of \lineskip.

enter image description here

A possible alternative with no space between the images and the block of images centered without keeping the letters into account.

\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % also loads graphicx




\caption{The global caption\label{label}}



enter image description here

Let me just repeat my above comment.

A & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck}\\
B & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck}\\
C & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck} & \InclGr{example-image-duck}\\

enter image description here