How do I draw a graph in tikz where the vertices are only represented by the label names?

A solution with tkz-graph is also simple but you need to avoid to mix tikz and tkz-graph You need if you work with tkz-graph to know some principles.

With the example you give, it's easy to use tikz or tikz-cd, tkz-graph is only useful if you need to set up automatically some styles and if you need to draw some complex graph but with some geometrical requests (vertices on a line , on a square, a circle

\usepackage{tkz-graph} % tkz-graph loads tikz


    % initialization
      % vertices
      \Vertex[L=p_1]{p1} \EA[L=p_2](p1){p2}
      \SO[L=p_4](p3){p4} \EA[L=p_5](p4){p5}
      % edges
      \tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {->}}
     \Edges (p1,p5)  \Edges (p2,p5)  \Edges (p2,p4)


Comments :

  • \SetGraphUnit If you use some automatic placement, you need to fix the node distance with tkz-graph you can use this macro but possible is d=2 cm inside the options of a Vertex for a local modification
  • \SetVertexMath All the label are in Math Mode, so L=p_3 is enough
  • \GraphInit[vstyle=Empty]the choice of the style. Here the node are circle but no draw
  • \Vertex[L=p_1]{p1} the first vertex as you can see, no need to add ; at the end of the command. The reference is p1 but the label is $p_1$.
  • \EA is for east of (I made this package before the existence of the positioning library). \SOis for south etc... you have also SOEA NOWE etc.
  • It's possible to use personal styles with \tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {->}} or \tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {...}} or \tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {->}} etc.

enter image description here

    \node (p1) at ( 0, 0) {$p_1$}; 
    \node (p2) at ( 1, 0) {$p_2$};
    \node (p3) at ( 0,-1) {$p_3$};
    \node (p4) at ( 0,-2) {$p_4$};
    \node (p5) at ( 1,-2) {$p_5$};

    \begin{scope}[every path/.style={->}]
       \draw (p1) -- (p3);
       \draw (p3) -- (p4); 
       \draw (p1) -- (p5);
       \draw (p2) -- (p4);
       \draw (p2) -- (p5);



Things of this kind remind me immediately of Commutative diagrams, so here is the incredibly simple tikz-cd code to achieve your desired goal:

p_1 \arrow{d} \arrow{rdd} & p_2 \arrow{ldd} \arrow{dd}\\
p_3 \arrow{d} &     \\
p_4 & p_5 



Considering your purpose, it could be easier to use the XY package, just as:


p_1 \ar[d] \ar[ddrr] & & p_2 \ar[dd] \ar[ddll]\\
p_3 \ar[d] & & \\
p_4 & & p_5 



enter image description here