How do I draw a rectangle across subplots?

Define a coordinate in each plot to save eg. the upper right and the lower left corner of the rectangle. Then you can draw the rectangle after the second group plot.

enter image description here



axis line style={line width=0.3pt, BrickRed},
axis x line = middle,
% axis y line = center,
y axis line style = {draw=none}
every axis label/.append style ={NavyBlue},
every tick label/.append style={Emerald},
major grid style={line width=.2pt,draw=gray!30},  
grid style = {line width=.1pt, draw=gray!10},
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
axis background/.style={fill=white},
title style={font=\bfseries},  

 \begin{groupplot} [
        group style={group size=1 by 2, vertical sep = 1cm},
        %enlarge x limits=0.1,
        %minor tick num=1,
        xtick distance=1,
        ytick distance=1,
    \nextgroupplot [ylabel={$x[k]=u[k]$}, title={$x[k]=u[k]$},]
    \addplot[ycomb,color=black,solid, mark=*, style={mark size=3pt}, mark options={solid,fill=white}, thick, domain=0:7, samples=8, ylabel={x[n]=u[n]}] 

    \node[above] at (axis cs:7.5,0.3) {$\boldsymbol{\cdots}$};

    \addplot[ycomb,color=black,solid, mark=*, style={mark size=3pt}, mark options={solid,fill=white}, thick, domain=-8:-1, samples=8] 
    \node[] at (axis cs:-9,0) {$\boldsymbol{\cdots}$};  

    \addplot[ycomb, smooth] {0};
    \coordinate(h1)at(axis cs:5,1);% <- added

    \nextgroupplot [
        xticklabels={}, extra x ticks={4,5}, 
        extra x tick labels={$n-1$, $n$}, 
        extra x tick style={tick label style={rotate=45}}
    \addplot[ycomb,color=black,solid, mark=*, style={mark size=2pt}, mark options={solid,fill=white}, thick, domain=-8:5, samples=14] 
    \node[] at (axis cs:-3,1.5) {$h[n-k]=(\frac{3}{4})^{n-k} u[n-k]$};  

    \addplot[ycomb,color=black,solid, mark=*, style={mark size=2pt}, mark options={solid,fill=white}, thick, domain=6:8, samples=3] 
    \addplot[ycomb, smooth] {0};
    \coordinate(h2)at(axis cs:0,0);% <- added
\draw[blue]([shift={(-.2,-.2)}]h2)rectangle([shift={(.2,.2)}]h1);% <- added

Additional remark: Do you really want compat=1.8? Current version is 1.15 and since version 1.11 axis cs is the default coordinate system inside environment axis.

Another way: once you have (or defined) two nodes, such as esdd did by

\coordinate (h1) at (axis cs:5,1);% in one group plot
\coordinate (h2) at (axis cs:0,0);% in the other group plot

you can draw the desired rectangle using the fit library:

\usetikzlibrary{fit}% in the preamble
\node[fit = (h1) (h2), inner sep = 6pt, draw] {};% in your `tikzpicture`

Advantage: it fits ;-) and it's easy to add some spacing (inner sep) but most valuable: you don't have only a rectangle, but you got a node that you can refer to, such as putting a label next to it or using it as anchor for drawing an arrow.