How do I fix Rubygems recent deprecation warning?

I had to downgrade to 1.6.2. Those notices are absolutely ridiculous. They make the latest version completely unusable. There should really be a way to disable them, but until then:

sudo gem update --system 1.6.2

see here

for short, run

gem pristine --all --no-extensions

ruby -e "`gem -v 2>&1 | grep called | sed -r -e 's#^.*specifications/##' -e 's/-[0-9].*$//'`.split.each {|x| `gem pristine #{x} -- --build-arg`}"

if the backtick (or backquote) doesn't work for you, as @jari-jokinen has pointed out (thank you!) in some cases, replace the second line with this

ruby -e "%x(gem -v 2>&1 | grep called | sed -r -e 's#^.*specifications/##' -e 's/-[0-9].*$//').split.each {|x| %x(gem pristine #{x} -- --build-arg)}"

Note: If your using Bundler in a production environment your offending gems will have been cached to shared/bundle so you'll need to run these commands using bundle exec