How do I generate and open an Outlook email with Python (but do not send)

tldr: Use mail.Display(False) instead of mail.Display(True)

mail.Display(False) will still display the window. If you use mail.Display(True) the scripts stops until the window is closed. So use mail.Display(False) this will open the window and your python script will move on to the next command. It is also useful to know that you can use to save as draft in the draft folder.

Visit to read more on this

Here is another option with saving the mail on disk first:

import webbrowser


This way the mail opens maximized.

I like the solution :) But I want to add some infos:

Using the solution, it is probably the best way to add a mail input with Html format for modification.

Also add the file from the working directory...

#requirements.txt add for py 3 -> pypiwin32

def Emailer(text, subject, recipient):
    import win32com.client as win32
    import os

    outlook = win32.Dispatch('outlook.application')
    mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)
    mail.To = recipient
    mail.Subject = subject
    mail.HtmlBody = text

    attachment1 = os.getcwd() +"\\file.ini"



MailSubject= "Auto test mail"
#html code here
MailAdress="[email protected];[email protected]"

Emailer(MailInput, MailSubject, MailAdress ) #that open a new outlook mail even outlook closed.

Call mail.Display(True) instead of mail.send.