How do I get an attribute of an element nested in a React component using Jest and/or Enzyme?

After some digging, I found the following. The indicated line in the question:

const src = img.node.props.src;

can be simplified to the following:

const src = img.prop('src');

The documentation can be found here.

If someone knows of a non-Enzyme way of doing this, I'd still be interested in hearing about it.

With React Test Utilities:

it('should have the logo image', () => 
  const app = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<App/>);
  var image = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(app, 'img');

Enzyme tests looks much cleaner.

For me, it worked as below


props() returns an object having all the attributes of the selector and then it can be browsed as an object.

Hope this helps too....