How do I insert data with Room and RxJava?

This works for me:

Let the insertStep(Step step); be like he following in your activitiesDao():

void insertStep(Step step);

And let be addStep(Step step); where you wish to insert the step:

 public void  addStep(Step step){
    Observable<Step> observable;
    observable = io.reactivex.Observable.just( step);
    observable.subscribeOn( )
            .subscribe( new Observer<Step>() {
                public void onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d) {


                public void onNext(@NonNull Step step) {
                    //Insert here


                public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
                       Log.e("Error", "Error at" + e);

                public void onComplete() {

            } );

PS: I'm using rxjava2

fun insertIntoDb(blog: Blog) {
    Observable.fromCallable {
        Runnable {
            .subscribe {
                D.showSnackMsg(context as Activity, R.string.book_mark_msg)

See the above function. (Kotlin). Must run the runnable. Otherwise it won't save the data. I have tested it with room. Happy coding

or use below code,

fun insertIntoDb(blog: Blog) {
    Completable.fromAction {
                Lg.d(TAG, "Blog Db: list insertion was successful")
            }, {
                Lg.d(TAG, "Blog Db: list insertion wasn't successful")

Try something like this.

Observable.fromCallable(() -> db.activitiesDao().insertStep(step))

Or if there is void return you can do:

Completable.fromRunnable(new Runnable(){