How do I interpolate strings?

You can use string.Format to drop values into strings:

private static readonly string formatString = "This is {0}overflow";
var strVar = "stack";
var myStr = string.Format(formatString, "stack");

An alternative is to use the C# concatenation operator:

var strVar = "stack";
var myStr = "This is " + strVar + "overflow";

If you're doing a lot of concatenations use the StringBuilder class which is more efficient:

var strVar = "stack";
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("This is ");
for (;;)
    stringBuilder.Append(strVar); // spot the deliberate mistake ;-)
var myStr = stringBuilder.ToString();

string mystr = string.Format("This is {0}overflow", strVar);

And you could also use named parameters instead of indexes.

This has been added as of C# 6.0 (Visual Studio 2015+).


var planetName = "Bob";
var myName = "Ford"; 
var formattedStr = $"Hello planet {planetName}, my name is {myName}!";
// formattedStr should be "Hello planet Bob, my name is Ford!"

This is syntactic sugar for:

var formattedStr = String.Format("Hello planet {0}, my name is {1}!", planetName, myName);

Additional Resources:

String Interpolation for C# (v2) Discussion

C# 6.0 Language Preview