How do I mount a WD MyBook World network drive in linux?
According to the manual, the MyBook supports both the CIFS/SMB and the NFS protocols.
CIFS/SMB is the protocol natively used by Windows for accessing network drives. You should be able to access the MyBook on a Linux/Unix system by using the smbclient or mount.cifs, e.g. to access (mount) the "public" folder on MyBook on the local directory /mnt
you would issue (from a root
mount.cifs //ip.address.of.mybook/public /mnt -o username=admin,password=admin_passwd_on_mybook
or, equivalently:
mount -t cifs -o username=admin,password=... //ip.address.of.mybook/public /mnt
you can substitute "public" with "download" (to access the pre-defined download share) or any share name that you have created with the MyBook storage manager.
username/password can be those of any user that you have created on the MyBook storage manager interface; or just use
-o guest
instead of-o username=...,password=...
to specify "Guest" access.
Access by the NFS protocol is not enabled by default; you have first to enable it in the "Advanced" tab of the MyBook storage manager, then you can mount the disk shares via NFS with:
mount -t nfs ip.address.of.mybook/nfs/public /mnt
Again, "public" can be any defined share name.
Edit: I had in mind that the WD MyBook World is only accessible by the MioNet software; however, the links may still be helpful:
There is good and bad news.
Bad news first: The official statement of the vendor is the following:
Does MioNet work with Macintosh or Linux computers?
Currently, MioNet works with only Windows-based computers. However, our platform will be extended to these operating systems in the future.
Mionet FAQ
Good News: The WD MyBook World runs a linux system which can be "opened". You can enable ssh and install additional packages:
The system partition has 2.8GB (only 260 MB is occupied). This means that you have a lot of resources for various improvements.
Here are two guides to open the NAS:
Hacking Western Digital MyBook World Edition Hacking WD MyBook World Ed
The chapter "MyBook World Edition acting as a NFS server" could be interesting.