How do I move a relative symbolic link?
You can turn relative paths into full paths using readlink -f foo
. So you would do something like:
ln -s $(readlink -f $origlink) $newlink
rm $origlink
I noticed that you wish to keep the paths relative. In this case, after you move the link, you can use symlinks -c
to convert the absolute paths back into relative paths.
This is a perl
solution that preserves relative paths:
use strictures;
use File::Copy qw(mv);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Path::Class qw(file);
use autodie qw(:all GetOptions mv);
my $target;
GetOptions('target-directory=s' => \$target);
die "$0 -t target_dir symlink1 symlink2 symlink3\n" unless $target && -d $target;
for (@ARGV) {
unless (-l $_) {
warn "$_ is not a symlink\n";
my $newlink = file(readlink $_)->relative($target)->stringify;
unlink $_;
symlink $newlink, $_;
mv $_, $target;