Drupal - How do I POST a new node?

Hope this will help you,

For Drupal 7

Tools used:

  • Firefox Poster add-on to do tests and debugging. There may be other add-on as well. But for this example im using Firefox add-on.
  • To help editing and validating the JSON data you can use
    • Edit the JSON data using this link
    • Validate the JSON data using this link

HTTP requests

  • To make the HTTP requests, you need use the Firefox add-on POSTER.

  • Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and server are:

    • GET
    • POST
  • After the add-on is Downloaded. Open Firefox -> Tools -> Poster

    enter image description here

  • Make sure to enable the Session authentication. After the Services is configured properly, before creating the node you should log-in. Once logged-in you can create the nodes.

  • For login use POST method, with the URL like - http://XXXXXXXX.com/demo/rulebook/rulebook_endpoint/user/login

    enter image description here

  • If it is a valid user then it will return user details with session ID and Name. If not valid it will return Access denied

    enter image description here

  • By using Session name and ID in the POST HEADER, we can able to create new nodes

    enter image description here

  • Now after adding the HEADER, You need to make HTTP POST request and make sure user should have permissions to create node.

    enter image description here

  • If the node is created you will get the response with node link

    enter image description here

NOTE : If you want the response in JSON then, you should always append .json at the end of the URL. eg., http://XXXXXXXX.com/test/endpoint/user.json OR http://XXXXXXXX.com/test/endpoint/node.json OR http://XXXXXXXX.com/test/endpoint/user/user_id.json OR http://XXXXXXXX.com/test/endpoint/node/node_id.json

For Drupal 7 and Services 7.x-3.x

Step 1: Issue a post request to user.login resource with your username and password.

If the login is successful, you will get a response object with 4 properties:

  • session_name
  • sessid
  • token
  • user (object)

Screenshot from google chrome postman Screenshot from google chrome postman

Step 2: Issue a post request to node with 2 headers

  • Cookie: [session_name]=[sessid]
  • X-CSRF-Token: [token]

Screenshot from google chrome postman Screenshot from google chrome postman

