How do I register a new NuGet package source with dotnet CLI on Ubuntu 14.04?

After all that I quickly identified 2 problems I had missed:

  1. I had used sudo -i to run as root attempting to resolve the problem, as as a result the NuGet config I setup in my \home folder was not being picked up.
  2. Moving back to my own logon, I then got an error:

    error: Unable to load the service index for source
    error:   The content at '' is not a valid JSON object.
    error:   Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.

Turns out that our Artifactory NuGet repo returns XML which is NuGet v2 compliant. I changed the config file to set the repo as v2 and it is now working. So, from above, edit the file at


adding your new repo URL, and get the version setting right:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />
    <add key="Artifactory-DEV" value="" protocolVersion="2"/>

Dotnet CLI restore can take -s as source feed url, so if you have Artifactory with Remote repository to

dotnet restore -s

Reference :

