How do I restart a Windows service from a script?

Solution 1:

The poster wants to ensure the service is stopped before trying to restart it. You can use a loop on the output of "sc query" doing something like this:

sc stop myservice

rem cause a ~10 second sleep before checking the service state
ping -n 10 -w 1000 > nul

sc query myservice | find /I "STATE" | find "STOPPED"
if errorlevel 1 goto :stop
goto :start

net start | find /i "My Service">nul && goto :start
sc start myservice

Solution 2:

May be missing something, but I use this all the time:

net stop "myservice"
net start "myservice"

or shorter:

net stop "myservice" && net start "myservice"

Solution 3:

Dead simple with powershell:

PS >Restart-Service MySrvcHere

Even better, using display names:

PS >Restart-Service -displayname "My Service Name Here"

Get-Help Restart-Service for more

Solution 4:

If it is purely for restarting the service, you can use

Net stop myservice
Net start myservice

However, if you want access to the options of sc, you can use the start /wait command

start /B /WAIT CMD /C "sc stop myservice"
start /B /WAIT CMD /C "sc start myservice"

this technique is a more general solution that can be applied to any command.

Solution 5:

To have quiet restart of some service, which asks confirmations to be stopped (as Server service, for example), You could add /y to the end of stop command.

net stop Server /y
net start Server

It would be helpful for automatic script execution.