How do I set up the Programmer Dvorak key layout on Mac OSX El Capitan?

According to you should have a field called satellite with a mnemonic like:

“QB02”, “WV01”, “WV02”, “WV03”, “GE01”, “Aerial”

Which I assume correspond to the satellites operated by DigitalGlobe:

QuickBird, WorldView 1/2/3, GeoEye-1, IKONOS

forest is a powerful tree-drawing tool, although Jesse's answer has the advantage of simplicity in this case. However, for what it is worth, here is the same tree with forest:

\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
  for tree={
    edge path={
      \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-15pt) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    if n=2{
      if ={equal(n_children("!u"),3)}{calign with current}{}}{},
            [Natural Polymers
            [Synthetic Polymers

forest alignments

Open loop gain and DC gain is actually not the same thing. The open loop gain is the gain without any feedback. The open loop gain falls off with increasing frequency. The open loop gain at DC is often called the "DC voltage gain".

Another important characteristic is the gain-bandwidth product (GBW). Which is the product of the DC voltage gain times the open loop bandwidth of the amplifier. To a first approximation the gain decreases with 20dB (or a factor 1/10) per decade, therefore the GBW is roughly equal to the unity gain frequency of the amplifier.

Usually feedback is used to trade off bandwidth with gain.