How do I unit test django urls?

Just complementing the answer from @karthikr (on the basis of his)

-> you may assert that the view in charge of resolve is the one you'd expect using resolver.func.cls


from unittest import TestCase
from django.urls import resolve

from foo.api.v1.views import FooView

class TestUrls(TestCase):
    def test_resolution_for_foo(self):
        resolver = resolve('/api/v1/foo')
        self.assertEqual(resolver.func.cls, FooView)

One way would be to reverse URL names and validate


urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^archive/(\d{4})/$', archive, name="archive"),
    url(r'^archive-summary/(\d{4})/$', archive, name="archive-summary"),

Now, in the test

from django.urls import reverse

url = reverse('archive', args=[1988])
assertEqual(url, '/archive/1988/')

url = reverse('archive-summary', args=[1988])
assertEqual(url, '/archive-summary/1988/')

You are probably testing the views anyways.

Now, to test that the URL connect to the right view, you could use resolve

from django.urls import resolve

resolver = resolve('/summary/')
assertEqual(resolver.view_name, 'summary')

Now in the variable resolver (ResolverMatch class instance), you have the following options
