How do you make add_custom_command configuration-specific on Windows?
It could be solved with the help of the next "generator expressions" (CMake 2.8.10):
= empty string (ignores "...")$<1:...>
= content of "..."$<CONFIG:cfg>
= '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
You can combine them to reach behaviour that you need (pseudocode):
if debug then ${DEBUG_EXE_PATH} elseif release then ${RELEASE_EXE_PATH}
which translates to:
So your string will look like:
add_custom_command(TARGET unitTests POST_BUILD
Details: CMake:add_custom_command
This is a case for the generator expressions provided for use with add_custom_command
In your case you want the full path to your compiled exe, and also its filename to append to your destination directory. These are $<TARGET_FILE:unitTests>
and $<TARGET_FILE_NAME:unitTests>
Your full command would be:
add_custom_command(TARGET unitTests POST_BUILD
copy $<TARGET_FILE:unitTests>