How do you reprint a theorem, proposition, etc. in its entirety?

You can \label the theorem that has to be dublicated and then reuse its counter when you rewrite it via \ref:


A basic example would be so to speak:

We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$
We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$


Complete Code









We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$
Theorem \ref{mythm} is a remarkable theorem indeed!

In the Appendix, we will prove theorem

We will reprint the theorem here:

We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$

2 - 1 = 1. 


As you are dealing with multiple theorem environments you could define a patcher as follows to not have to copy and paste the code for every of your environments.

    \expandafter\renewcommand\csname the#1\endcsname{\ref{##1}}\csname #1\endcsname}{%
      \csname end#1\endcsname\addtocounter{#1}{-1}}}

Then you could declare


If you want to allow this feature by default you could even flick it into the environment definition process:


The order in the preamble would then need to be


    \expandafter\renewcommand\csname the#1\endcsname{\ref{##1}}\csname #1\endcsname}{%
      \csname end#1\endcsname\addtocounter{#1}{-1}}}



However, even more elegant (in my opinion) is to define the replication environment in such way that you call it like \begin{usecounterof}{<thm-env>}{<label>}...\end{usecounterof}:


  \expandafter\renewcommand\csname the#1\endcsname{\ref{#2}}\@nameuse\@tempb}{%



We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$
Theorem \ref{mythm} is a remarkable theorem indeed!

In the Appendix, we will prove theorem

We will reprint the theorem here:

We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$

2 - 1 = 1. 

The thmtools defines restatable theorems. Here is how it goes. B.t.w., the thm theorem style does not exist, as this is defined by thmtools. I suppose you meant the plain style. Also, I had to comment the autorefnames, as they're already defined by thmtools.



\declaretheorem[name=Theorem, numberwithin=section]{thm}
\declaretheorem[name=Lemma, numberwithin=section]{lem}
\declaretheorem[name=Proposition, numberwithin=section]{prop}
\declaretheorem[name=Corollary, numberwithin=section]{cor}
\declaretheorem[name=Conjecture, numberwithin=section]{conj}
\declaretheorem[name=Claim, numberwithin=section]{claim}





We'd like to introduce the \bfseries{theorem of the universe}, the theorem says that $1+1 = 2$
This is a remarkable theorem indeed!

In the Appendix, we will prove theorem

We will reprint the theorem here:


$ 2 - 1 = 1 $.



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