How does a language expand itself?

A computer is like an onion, it has many many layers, from the inner core of pure hardware to the outermost application layer. Each layer exposes parts of itself to the next outer layer, so that the outer layer may use some of the inner layers functionality.

In the case of e.g. Windows the operating system exposes the so-called WIN32 API for applications running on Windows. The Qt library uses that API to provide applications using Qt to its own API. You use Qt, Qt uses WIN32, WIN32 uses lower levels of the Windows operating system, and so on until it's electrical signals in the hardware.

You're right that in general, libraries cannot make anything possible that isn't already possible.

But the libraries don't have to be written in C++ in order to be usable by a C++ program. Even if they are written in C++, they may internally use other libraries not written in C++. So the fact that C++ didn't provide any way to do it doesn't prevent it from being added, so long as there is some way to do it outside of C++.

At a quite low level, some functions called by C++ (or by C) will be written in assembly, and the assembly contains the required instructions to do whatever isn't possible (or isn't easy) in C++, for example to call a system function. At that point, that system call can do anything your computer is capable of, simply because there's nothing stopping it.

C and C++ have 2 properties that allow all this extensibility that the OP is talking about.

  1. C and C++ can access memory
  2. C and C++ can call assembly code for instructions not in the C or C++ language.

In the kernel or in a basic non-protected mode platform, peripherals like the serial port or disk drive are mapped into the memory map in the same way as RAM is. Memory is a series of switches and flipping the switches of the peripheral (like a serial port or disk driver) gets your peripheral to do useful things.

In a protected mode operating system, when one wants to access the kernel from userspace (say when writing to the file system or to draw a pixel on the screen) one needs to make a system call. C does not have an instruction to make a system calls but C can call assembler code which can trigger the correct system call, This is what allows one's C code to talk to the kernel.

In order to make programming a particular platform easier, system calls are wrapped in more complex functions which may perform some useful function within one's own program. One is free to call the system calls directly (using assembler) but it is probably easier to just make use of one of the wrapper functions that the platform supplies.

There is another level of API that are a lot more useful than a system call. Take for example malloc. Not only will this call the system to obtain large blocks of memory but will manage this memory by doing all the book keeping on what is take place.

Win32 APIs wrap some graphic functionality with a common platform widget set. Qt takes this a bit further by wrapping the Win32 (or X Windows) API in a cross platform way.

Fundamentally though a C compiler turns C code into machine code and since the computer is designed to use machine code, you should expect C to be able to accomplish the lions share or what a computer can do. All that the wrapper libraries do is do the heavy lifting for you so that you don't have to.

Languages (like C++11) are specifications, on paper, usually written in English. Look inside the latest C++11 draft (or buy the costly final spec from your ISO vendor).

You generally use a computer with some language implementation (You could in principle run a C++ program without any computer, e.g. using a bunch of human slaves interpreting it; that would be unethical and inefficient)

Your C++ implementation general works above some operating system and communicate with it (using some implementation specific code, often in some system library). Generally that communication is done thru system calls. Look for instance into syscalls(2) for a list of system calls available on the Linux kernel.

From the application point of view, a syscall is an elementary machine instruction like SYSENTER on x86-64 with some conventions (ABI)

On my Linux desktop, the Qt libraries are above X11 client libraries communicating with the X11 server Xorg thru X Windows protocols.

On Linux, use ldd on your executable to see the (long) list of dependencies on libraries. Use pmap on your running process to see which ones are "loaded" at runtime. BTW, on Linux, your application is probably using only free software, you could study its source code (from Qt, to Xlib, libc, ... the kernel) to understand more what is happening