How much gold and elixir can be stolen when raiding other players?
Until you reach Town Hall 5, 20% from your gold/elixir can be stolen from the storages. The cap for this is 200k. From TH6 and onwards, this percentage drops by 2% for each TH level. From TH7 and above the cap increases with 50k for each TH level.
So for clarity and completeness (and no calculations):
TH Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
1-5 20% 200k 1.000M
6 18% 200k 1.1111M
7 16% 250k 1.5625M
8 14% 300k 2.1428M
9 12% 350k 2.9167M
10 10% 400k 4.0000M
Source is here
TH Level G/E Storages1 G/E Collectors1 DE Storage2 DE Collectors2 CC3
TH 1 - 5 20%, 200K cap 50% None None 10%
TH6 18%, 200K cap 50% None None 9%
TH7 16%, 250K cap 50% 6%, 2K cap None 8%
TH8 14%, 300K cap 50% 6%, 2K cap 75% 7%
TH9 12%, 350K cap 50% 5%, 2.5K cap 75% 6%
TH10 10%, 400K cap 50% 4%, 3K cap 75% 5%
1G/E is Gold/Elixir
2DE is Dark Elixir
3CC is Clan Castle
1. [I use the term "Collector" loosely, it means collector, mine, and drill to their respective resource]
2. [Collector loot is only capped by how much the collector can hold]