How to access `window` (Target page) objects when @grant values are set?
When you set a @grant
value other than none, Greasemonkey activates its sandbox and Greasemonkey 2.0 radically changed unsafeWindow handling.
Now, in order to create or overwrite variables in the target-page scope, you must correctly chose from a menu of techniques. EG:
To Read:
A simple variable:
Target page sets: var foo = "bar"; GM script can read: //-- "bar"
A simple object:
Target page sets: var obj = {A: 1}; GM script can read: unsafeWindow.obj //-- Object { A: 1 }
A complex object: This is not always possible.
To Call:
A simple function:
Target page sets: function func () {console.log ('Hi');} GM script can call: unsafeWindow.func() //-- "Hi"
A complex function: This is not always possible.
To Write/Set:
A simple variable: = "Apple";
A simple object:
var gmObject = {X: "123"}; unsafeWindow.obj = cloneInto (gmObject, unsafeWindow);
A simple function:
function gmFunc () { console.log ("Lorem ipsum"); //-- Can use GM_ functions in here! :) } unsafeWindow.func = exportFunction (gmFunc, unsafeWindow);
Consider this HTML:
<button id="helloBtn">Say "Hello".</button>
And this javascript:
var simpleGlobalVar = "A simple, global var in the page scope.";
var globalObject = {Letter: "A", Number: 2};
function simpleFunction () {
console.log ("The target page's simpleFunction was called.");
var sayHello = function() {
console.log ('Hello.');
document.getElementById ('helloBtn').addEventListener ('click', function () {
sayHello ();
} );
which you can see live at this jsFiddle page.
If you install and run this Greasemonkey script against that page:
// ==UserScript==
// @name _Demonstrate accessing target-page variables with @grant values set
// @include*/show/
// @require
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
console.log ("*** Greasemonkey script start.");
$("body").append ('<div id="gmArea">Added by Greasemonkey:<p></p></div>');
$("#gmArea > p:first").append ('<button id="gmShow">Access select target-page variables and functions</button>');
$("#gmArea > p:first").append ('<button id="gmChange">Change javascript things in the target-page scope.</button>');
$("#gmShow").click ( function () {
//-- Access things from the target-page scope:
console.log ("----------------");
console.log ("==> simpleGlobalVar is: ", unsafeWindow.simpleGlobalVar);
console.log ("==> globalObject is: ", unsafeWindow.globalObject);
console.log ("==> Calling target's simpleFunction():");
unsafeWindow.simpleFunction ();
//-- WARNING! This next technique is not robust, but works in some cases.
console.log ("==> Calling target's button's click().");
unsafeWindow.document.getElementById ('helloBtn').click ();
} );
$("#gmChange").click ( function () {
this.disabled = true; //-- Can only click once.
unsafeWindow.simpleGlobalVar = "Simple var... Intercepted by GM!";
unsafeWindow.globalObject = cloneInto (gmObject, unsafeWindow);
unsafeWindow.sayHello = exportFunction (sayHello, unsafeWindow);
console.log ("==> Target page objects were changed.");
} );
var gmMessageStr = "Function... Intercepted by GM, but also can use GM_ functions!";
function sayHello () {
sayHello.K = (sayHello.K || 0) + 1;
console.log (gmMessageStr);
GM_addStyle ('body {background: ' + (sayHello.K % 2 ? "lime" : "white") + ';}');
var gmObject = {message: "Object overridden by GM."};
Open the console and press the buttons and you will see that the GM script is able to read and change the page's variables and functions.
- This is all Firefox specific.
- For cross platform code, and for some complex situations, you can use Script Injection instead. But injected code cannot directly access
functions. - Note that these techniques only work for javascript variables and functions that are global.
Wrap your code inside a lambda function like:
(function(window){ // and more arguments if you need it
console.log(window); // here, should be the real 'window'