How to add external library properly in Eclipse?

Use maven

You don't have to download all jar's into a folder by yourself! - use maven. It's based on a public repository, and you manage your dependencies in an xml file.

Your project will have a pom.xml file that going to look like this:


and in this file you manage the external library dependencies

for instance, if you wish to add this dependency -

you will need to modify your pom.xml like so:




and save it. that's it

  • Read this getting started tutorial -
  • eclipse plugin -

You must add jar file on lib folder and then right click on jar file and click "build path"-->add to build path and now you can write that jar file code


  1. Create a "lib" folder and keep all your jars in the folder.
  2. Subsequently, add all the jar files in the lib folder into your build path by using Project => Properties => Java Build Path => Libraries => Add JAR ...

btw, there' no screenshot. Can you give the link for the screen shot so that I may be able to help our better...

