How to add Guava to Eclipse project

Just a little update here for everyone reading this in 2014. By now, there is an eclipse plugin for guava. It's part of the orbit project. A collection of useful third party libraries.

You can find the latest version here.

For everyone reading this in 2016... download Guava from this link

and do the steps as @Schildmeijer noted...

Figured it out, you just need to add the path to the location of the SDK as a Link Source.

1) Right click project and choose Properties > Source > Link Source...
2) Browse to the location that eclipse downloaded the SDK to which on my computer was

C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\

As far as i know Google Guava is not an Eclipse Plugin. It's a third party library. To add a lib to the Eclipse build path simply right click on your project -> build path -> configure build path -> libraries tab -> add external jars -> locate guava-r07.jar -> OK/OPEN