How to add Spell Checker to TeXworks

As per the TeXworks manual, the procedure to install spell checking dictionaries in TeXworks is as follows.

  1. Download the dictionary corresponding to your desired language from the extensions site.
  2. Change the file extension of the downloaded file from .oxt to .zip and extract the files with your archive utility of choice.
  3. Open TeXworks and select Settings and Resources from the Help menu. A dialog window will open with a link to the TeXworks resources folder.
  4. Click the link to open the resources folder. If there is no dictionaries subfolder there yet, then create it now. Open the (possibly newly created) dictionaries subfolder.
  5. Copy the .dic and .aff files from the downloaded .zip file to the dictionaries subfolder.
  6. Close and reopen TeXworks. The dictionaries should be listed under the Spelling item in the Edit menu.