How to allocate structs on the heap without taking up space on the stack in stable Rust?

You seem to be looking for the box_syntax feature, however as of Rust 1.39.0 it is not stable and only available with a nightly compiler. It also seems like this feature will not be stabilized any time soon, and might have a different design if it ever gets stabilized.

On a nightly compiler, you can write:


struct Test { a: i32, b: i64 }

fn foo() -> Box<Test> {
    box Test { a: 123, b: 456 }

As of Rust 1.39, there seems to be only one way in stable to allocate memory on the heap directly - by using std::alloc::alloc (note that the docs state that it is expected to be deprecated). It's reasonably unsafe.


struct Test {
    a: i64,
    b: &'static str,

fn main() {
    use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout};

    unsafe {
        let layout = Layout::new::<Test>();
        let ptr = alloc(layout) as *mut Test;

        (*ptr).a = 42;
        (*ptr).b = "testing";

        let bx = Box::from_raw(ptr);

        println!("{:?}", bx);

This approach is used in the unstable method Box::new_uninit.

It turns out there's even a crate for avoiding memcpy calls (among other things): copyless. This crate also uses an approach based on this.

Is there a way to allocate directly to the heap without box?

No. If there was, it wouldn't need a language change.

People tend to avoid this by using the unstable syntax indirectly, such as by using one of the standard containers which, in turn, uses it internally.

See also:

  • How to allocate arrays on the heap in Rust 1.0?
  • Is there any way to allocate a standard Rust array directly on the heap, skipping the stack entirely?
  • What does the box keyword do?
  • What is the <- symbol in Rust?

