How to alter redshift column encoding in place?

Ketan is correct. AWS does provide a utility,, that can take care of it for you though.

Yes - this is now a supported option as of 20th Oct 2020, see AWS docs :

ALTER TABLE table_name 
| ALTER COLUMN column_name ENCODE new_encode_type

Update: as pointed out by @gelin: since Oct 2020, altering column encodings in place is now supported: ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN columnname ENCODE newencode. More info here.

No, this is not supported.

From the documentation, the options that you have:

  • apply a compression type, or encoding, to the columns in a table manually when you create the table
  • use the COPY command to analyze and apply compression automatically (on an empty table)
  • specify the encoding for a column when it is added to a table using the ALTER TABLE command

From the same documentation,

You cannot change the compression encoding for a column after the table is created.