How to black out a figure for confidential reasons?
Just define a Btikzpicture
environment that can behave differently under a set conditional and use it for the pictures that you want to selectively omit:
% \secrettrue % uncomment for the hidden version
%%% code for blanking TikZ pictures
\newcommand{\omission}{\makebox[0pt][l]{\,\tiny OMITTED\strut}}
%%% code for normal printing
every node/.style={
inner sep=0pt,
minimum width=4pt
\begin{Btikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.8,->,shorten >=2pt]
\draw (0,0) node {} -- (1,1) node {};
\draw (1,1) node {} -- (2,1) node {};
\draw (2,1) node {} -- (3,2) node {};
\draw (3,2) node {} -- (4,1) node {};
\draw (0,2) node {} -- (1,1) node {};
\draw (1,2) node {} -- (2,1) [dashed] node {};
\draw (2,1) node {} -- (3,2) node {};
\draw (3,2) node {} -- (4,1) node {};
\draw (2,1) node {} -- (3,0) [dashed] node {};
\draw (2,1) node {} -- (2,0) [dashed] node {};
\draw (3,0) node {} -- (4,0) [dashed] node {};
\draw (3,0) node {} -- (4,-1) [dashed] node {};
\draw (1,1) node {} -- (1,0) [dashed] node {};
(The picture code is taken from an answer by Jake.)
When \secrettrue
is uncommented, only a frame of the correct size will be drawn; only the metric information will be in the final output.
You can use adjustbox
to replace the content with a black (or gray, to save ink) rectangle.
Note that this solution will not write the censored content into the PDF.
\draw (0,0) -- (10,10);
\node at (5,5) {Secret information};
With recent version of adjustbox
(i.e. v1.1 2018/04/08) you can just write phantom
as a key and also add some "Censored" text on top of it.
\adjustbox{phantom,bgcolor=black!10,foreground={rotate=45}{\sffamily Censored!}}\bgroup
\draw (0,0) -- (10,10);
\node at (5,5) {Secret information};
The \censorbox
command from my censor
package can block out boxed material like figures, tables, etc. Here is an excerpt from the docs: