How to calculate the cumulative difference between rows in Postgres?

You can use LAG() function in a query with GROUP BY just like any other query. The only difference is that the columns allowed in the window (OVER) and in the LAG are the ones allowed in SELECT after a GROUP BY:

    sum(upload_usage) as upload,
    sum(download_usage) as download,
    sum(total_usage_on_a_day) as total_as_cumm,
    - coalesce(lag(sum(total_usage_on_a_day)) over (partition by session_id order by date), 0)
        as expected_difference
 from jiodba.s_crc_zda_mon_conn_usage 
 where gpart = '1100043958' 
   and zzaccess_ntwk_id = 'FTTH' 
 group by session_id, date
 order by session_id, date 
 limit 100 ;
  • I'm not sure why you used max(usage) while you name the column total_usage. I changed it to use sum() instead. If you need to use max(usage) there, pick a more appropriate name for that column.