How to call a function several times in C++ with different parameters

Here a variadic template solution.

#include <iostream>

template < typename f_>
void fun( f_&& f ) {}

template < typename f_, typename head_, typename... args_>
void fun( f_ f, head_&& head, args_&&... args) {
    f( std::forward<head_>(head) );
    fun( std::forward<f_>(f), std::forward<args_>(args)... );

void foo( int v ) {
    std::cout << v << " ";

int main() {
  int a{1}, b{2}, c{3};
  fun(foo, a, b, c );

You may use the following using variadic template:

template <typename F, typename...Ts>
void fun(F f, Ts&&...args)
    int dummy[] = {0, (f(std::forward<Ts>(args)), 0)...};
    static_cast<void>(dummy); // remove warning for unused variable

or in C++17, with folding expression:

template <typename F, typename...Ts>
void fun(F&& f, Ts&&...args)
    (static_cast<void>(f(std::forward<Ts>(args))), ...);

Now, test it:

void foo(int value) { std::cout << value << " "; }

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    fun(foo, 42, 53, 65);

    return 0;

Using C++ 11, you can use std::function, this way (which is quite quick to write IMO)

void call_fun_with(std::function<void(int)> fun, std::vector<int>& args){
    for(int& arg : args){

or, a bit more generic:

template<typename FTYPE>
void call_fun_with(FTYPE fun, std::vector<int>& args){
    for(int& arg : args){

Live example

Live example, templated version

Note: std::function template arguments must be specified the following way: return_type(arg1_type, arg2_type,etc.)

EDIT: An alternative could be using std::for_each which actually does pretty much the same thing, but which I do not really like as to the semantics, which are more like "for everything in this container, do...". But that's just me and my (maybe silly) way of coding :)