How to cancel a foreground service from using the notification (swipe dismiss) or clear all notifications?

The user is not allowed to swipe away a notification generated by an ongoing foreground service.

Hence, stopForeground(false) first, which allows the notification to be swiped away by the user thereafter (at least on Lollipop+). For pre-Lollipop, you may have to stopForeground(true), which stops foreground and removes the notification, then re-issue the notification with notificationManager.notify(yourNotificationID, yourNotificationObject), so that your notification is visible but swipeable.

Crucially, set up the notification object with a delete intent that is triggered when the user swipes it away.

(new NotificationCompat.builder(this).setDeleteIntent(deletePendingIntent)).build()

where deletePendingIntent is something like

Intent deleteIntent = new Intent(this, YourService.class);
deleteIntent.putExtra(someKey, someIntValue);
PendingIntent deletePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this,

When the user swipes it away, the intent with its extra is delivered to the service. Handle the delivered extra within onStartCommand, i.e. check that intent != null, intent.getExtras() != null, then extract the value from the extras bundle given someKey, and if it matches someIntValue, then call stopSelf().

this code works for me:


and you should set your return value of onStartCommand, STRAT_STICKY will restart your service.

The notification of a foregraound service cannot be cleared. The only way is stopping the service.

So I beleive the issue you want to solve, will never happen.