How to change AssemblyName after compilation to load as a mod in Unity3d

The solution I ended up going with was using Mono.Cecil. Luckily, the Mono.Cecil library is available in the Unity editor, no need to deploy any extra libraries with my mod tools. Mono.Cecil worked great for renaming the assembly after it was compiled. Here is some code I'm using to make it happen:

     // Have Mono.Cecil load the assembly
     var assemblyDefinition = Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyFile.FullName);

     // Tell Mono.Cecil to actually change the name
     assemblyDefinition.Name.Name = newAssemblyNameNoExtension;
     assemblyDefinition.MainModule.Name = newAssemblyNameNoExtension;

     // We also need to rename any references to project assemblies (first pass assemblies)
     foreach (var reference in assemblyDefinition.MainModule.AssemblyReferences)
        if (Utilities.IsProjectAssembly(reference.Name))
           reference.Name = Utilities.GetModAssemblyName(reference.Name, this._modName);

     // Build the new assembly
     byte[] bytes;
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
        assemblyDefinition.Write(ms, new Mono.Cecil.WriterParameters() { WriteSymbols = true });
        bytes = ms.ToArray();